Great post. Nice to learn AI can improve speed!

Another big question is coverage. One weakness of community note on twitter is that it’s only flagging a tweet when both republicans and democrats agree that it should be flagged (I’m simplifying a bit here).

This is fine to detect scams and very obvious forms of misinformations that have no political implications, but when a topic is politically-loaded, the community note system is much less likely to flag it. So I see a risk that divisive politicians will basically get a free pass to say whatever they want, even when factually untrue, just because one side of the isle likes them enough to close their eyes or forgive the lie. So at the end of the day, the switch to community notes might catch more miss-information overall, but also allow more political propaganda.

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Bruno, you've put your finger on that dilemma between the TRUST that can come when both sides agree, and the polarized context where at times, the other side will NOT agree a note is 'helpful' precisely because they don't want to stop the virality of that misinformed or out of context post. The question is whether we bet more on the idea that there will be more eventual balance that the bridging algorithm picks up, or if we should rather dig in on ensuring that fact checking is not ideologically biased. On that one, there's been lots of research pointing to their being more right-leaning disinformation, but also, that there are more liberal-oriented fact checking initiatives.... Curious to hear what others have to say!

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